Girls, imagine that you are a fashion designer and you have opened a fashion shop called . Your fashion shop is full of customers, waiting for your service. Your customers are trendy fashionistas nowadays, and they have their own strict requirements for every outfit, and they will wear your customized high-end clothes, stand out like stars, go to parties, dances, or enjoy the city Nightlife.
Here, every detail of the costume design will be displayed. After choosing the basic style of the clothes, try to make some adjustments: change its color, add some accessories, or make your new tailoring design on this basis, to create your own, unique personal taste and style Fashion.
1. Simple gameplay, transform into a senior fashion designer
Restore every detail of the costume design, stitch by stitch, the final effect of all the costume designs will make you breathless!
2. Styles and accessories are constantly updated!
Become the best store in the city, always keep up with current trends, and you can hold any style.
3. Relax and enjoy the creative process
Girls games without stress. All that needs to be done is creation, color matching and decoration. Create a stunning fashion design.
Gadis-gadis, bayangkan Anda adalah seorang perancang busana dan Anda telah membuka toko pakaian bernama. Toko pakaian Anda penuh dengan pelanggan, menunggu layanan Anda. Pelanggan Anda adalah fashionista trendi saat ini, dan mereka memiliki persyaratan ketat mereka sendiri untuk setiap pakaian, dan mereka akan mengenakan pakaian kelas atas yang Anda sesuaikan, menonjol seperti bintang, pergi ke pesta, menari, atau menikmati kehidupan malam kota.
Di sini, setiap detail desain kostum akan ditampilkan. Setelah memilih gaya dasar pakaian, coba lakukan beberapa penyesuaian: ubah warnanya, tambahkan beberapa aksesori, atau buat desain penjahitan baru Anda atas dasar ini, untuk menciptakan selera dan gaya busana Anda sendiri yang unik.
1. Gameplay sederhana, ubah menjadi perancang busana senior
Kembalikan setiap detail desain kostum, jahitan demi jahitan, efek akhir dari semua desain kostum akan membuat Anda terengah-engah!
2. Gaya dan aksesori terus diperbarui!
Menjadi toko terbaik di kota, selalu mengikuti tren terkini, dan Anda dapat mempertahankan gaya apa pun.
3. Bersantai dan nikmati proses kreatif
Permainan gadis tanpa stres. Yang perlu dilakukan hanyalah kreasi, pencocokan warna dan dekorasi. Buat desain busana yang memukau.